All Evap-o-watt products covered by the following patent(s): US 11,812,662 B2



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Evap-o-watt is a new technology for generating small amounts of electricity without moving parts or an electro-chemical cell. A single Evap-o-watt can produce .7 Watt-hrs for up to a week, continuously, with one fill-up of distilled water. It could power many things, but in these featured displays, the power is used to flash multi-colored LEDs to add sparkle to the sculpture.

Dazzling in the dark!

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The Product Philosophy

To demonstrate what it can do, I thought it might be nice to make a sculpture with blinking lights to catch the eye and foster curiosity about how it works with no batteries, AC plugs, moving parts, or electro-chemical cells of any kind. Just fill the bowl with water (distilled recommended) and watch the lights flash continuously for up to a week under nominal conditions. Refill the bowl with water when it gets low and Evap-o-watt will provide years of fun and entertainment, as there are no components consumed or worn out in the process.

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Limitless Creativity

As you can see, Evap-o-watts can take many different forms. Each one generates a small amount of power (3.8V @ 50uA), but they can be put together in series or an array to make power that is more widely applicable. They can be used to charge a battery, power an LCD device, power sensors, power a small stepper motor or actuator, etc. For science teachers, hobbyists, and engineers who want to create your own device, the parts to build your own version of Evap-o-watt are for sale too.

Imagination is the only limitation!

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