Science Behind the Evap-o-watt

Electric Power Directly From Water
How does it work?

Renewable Energy
The Evap-o-watt is a device power by evaporation of water that can be a Flashing LED Display or other device. It is a truly renewable energy source, lasting virtually forever as long as you keep water in its bowl and the Relative Humidity level at its location is below 70%. The Evap-o-watt is 100% green and renewable, doesn't require a battery or wall socket to operate, and there is nothing to wear out!
A single Evap-o-watt can produce 0.7 Watt-hrs for up to a week with a fill-up of distilled water. The power is used to flash multi-colored LEDs to add sparkle to some fun sculptures or to power an appliance such as an LCD Clock. Every other water powered device on the market up to now has used the "Dissimilar Metals" electro-chemical cell method which is not truly renewable. Their parts must be replaced after use or in some cases the device has no user replaceable parts. Their devices are useless after a while and must be thrown out, adding to landfills everywhere. Evap-o-watts operate using evaporation and there is no consumption of parts and therefore will last virtually forever.